17 is the Magic Number

Many of our readers are fans of the 17 Day Diet, or they’re considering it, or just curious about it. The 17 Day Diet is a healthy life changing diet… actually I don’t even like to call it a diet because it’s pretty much a lifestyle change. It helps you form good eating habits and they’re so easy to follow you’ll keep them for life – all the while you’ll lose weight and begin to feel like the woman you’ve wanted to be!

While on this diet you’re supposed to do at least 17 minutes of exercise a day. That’s right! 17 minutes! Not bad right… especially for those with a busy schedule. Anyone can fit in 17 minutes. My favorite way to fit it in is to set my alarm about 20 minutes before I normally get up and do it first thing in the morning and I’m done for the day!

I wanted to share with you a high intensity interval workout that is just 17 minutes long (including a 2 minute warm-up). This is a full body workout. First do a quick 2 minute jog in place warm-up. Or, you could do your favorite kind of warm up, whether its walking in place or dancing around the room. Just get your body moving for 2 minutes. Next, do each of the following exercises for 40 seconds each, take a 10 second rest between each and then repeat them all over again 3 times through.

17 minute workout

LEG CIRCLES (right leg): Lie on your back with your legs on the ground and your arms at your sides. Raise your right leg up in the air and rotate it around and around until the 40 seconds is up.

HIGH KNEES: Similar to jogging in place making sure you knees go as high as they can go focusing on squeezing your core tight as you do it. Do this until the 40 seconds is up.

LEG CIRCLES (left leg): Lie on your back with your legs on the ground and your arms at your sides. Raise your left leg up in the air and rotate it around and around until the 40 seconds is up.

HIGH KNEES: Similar to jogging in place making sure you knees go as high as they can go focusing on squeezing your core tight as you do it. Do this until the 40 seconds is up.

JUMP JACK PUSH-UPS: Get in push-up position with feet about shoulder width. Do a push up (do a modified push-up on your knees if you need to). Get back on your feet if you did a modified push up and then jump your feet in and out like doing a jumping jack. Repeat until the 40 seconds are up.

HIGH KNEES: Similar to jogging in place making sure you knees go as high as they can go focusing on squeezing your core tight as you do it. Do this until the 40 seconds is up.

high knees

This workout is great for anyone, not just 17 day dieters. But if you’re interested, curious or are on the 17 day diet, consider getting our app to help you track your journey. It has food, exercise, water and weight tracking. We also offer many recipes, a shopping list and even a special in-app chat support where you can ask any question and we’ll answer you directly.

Get it on iPhone / iPad, Android, or Kindle

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