Eat Colorfully


Last night I went to farmers market and picked up these strawberries. They are so good! Strawberry season is just hitting us here in California, and I can’t get enough. I made a smoothie this morning with strawberries, kiwis, mandarins and spinach! I cannot stress enough the importance of eating colorfully! What I mean by this is you should choose a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables and add them to your daily diet. Here is a little explanation of colors and how they benefit us:

RED - Strawberries, tomatoes, red peppers and watermelon. These foods contain a phytochemical called Lycopene which helps eliminate free radicals in our bodies and fight some cancers!  

ORANGE - Oranges, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and mango. These foods contain beta-carotene which our bodies convert into Vitamin A. This  benefits our eyes, bone growth and health of the immune system. It also contains alpha carotene helping kick out free radicals in our bodies and protects against cancer. 

YELLOW  &  GREENCorn, summer squash, artichoke, lettuce, chard and arugula. These contain Lutein which also benefit the eyes and help prevent blindness by reducing your risk for developing macular degeneration. The leafy greens also contain beta carotene. 

GREEN – Kale, brussels sprouts, bok choy, green cabbage, spinach and broccoli. These cruciferous veggies are full of cancer fighting compounds such as sulforaphane, isothiocyanate and indole. These help build up enzymes that remove toxins from the body. 

BLUE, PURPLE & DEEP RED - Blueberries, plums, eggplant, blackberries, grapes, beets, radishes, raspberries and cranberries. These contain anthocyanins and proanthocyanins – which are heart healthy and brain healthy antioxidants. 

WHITE – Garlic, onions, scallions and leeks. Contain allicin, which is helpful for preventing cancer. 

fruit happy friday

Keeping a healthy diet full of vegetables and fruits is a good habit to start. One way to kickstart this habit is to do a raw food cleanse, you could try our 3 Day Cleanse for iPhone which will clean your body of toxins, make you feel lighter and give you energy you wouldn’t believe. Or, you could just slowly add a variety of color to your diet. Either way, your body will thank you for it!
Also check out our longer cleanses, if you’re interested:
Raw Food Cleanse 7 Day
Raw Food Cleanse 14 Day
Raw Food Cleanse 28 Day
Raw Food Cleanse Complete
Have a super day everyone!

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