How to Overcome Bad Food Cravings

We all get bad food cravings. Some for sweets, and some for salts. Some for fried stuff, and some for cheesy stuff. The list can go on and on. This desire or craving we get to eat something comes from past experiences of eating it. You felt enjoyment, and a sense of euphoria when you ate it and you want to experience that again. Or it brings back a memory of someone or something, and you want to remember that feeling. An easy way to get over this is to find healthy foods that will give you this same feeling. Or find activities that will give you this same feeling. I have here a list of creative ways to get over cravings. Enjoy and share with us your ways of avoiding cravings if I didn’t list it.

  • First, slowly remove your cravings from your diet. Do this by eating only half of what you would normally eat. Next, eat half of that, and so on until you can completely remove yourself from your cravings. Please note: eating something that you crave doesn’t have to be the worst thing in the world. If you eat it in moderation, you will be fine. But when you must have it and a lot of it, it is a bad thing.
  • Take anything tempting out of your pantry. Give it away, throw it away or whatever it takes to not have it there tempting you.
  • Stick to the fruit and vegetable section. Well, you don’t have to just stay there, but when you’re shopping for groceries, at least stay far away from the temptation aisles.
  • Chew gum. It’s low calorie and it’ll keep your mouth busy.
  • Drink lots of water. This makes you feel full. Plus, most times when you think you’re hungry you are really just thirsty. Drink at least 8 (8oz) glasses of water daily, no matter what.

  • Accountability. Ask a friend to hold you accountable by asking you everyday if you didn’t give in to cravings. If you pass this, you will feel so good and eventually you will strive to always pass this test.
  • Keep a journal. Everyday, write about how you feel when you aren’t eating bad foods. Just being aware of how good you feel when you stay away might help you to want to always stay away.
  • Try sweet fruits in place of sugary candy. You will still get the sweet flavor you desire and it will be a healthy alternative.
  • Lessen stress. Reduce any stress in your life that might be causing you to “emotionally eat”. Try exercising, sleep more, take time for yourself and relax, find a hobby and evaluate what is causing your stress and find a way to get rid of that stressor.
  • Add healthy foods and exercise. Incorporate more healthy foods into your diet and start an exercise routine. This will raise your metabolism and lessen your cravings.
  • Do not skip meals! Skipping meals increases your chances of reaching out for a craving food.
  • Try eating 6 small meals a day, rather than 3 large meals. You won’t feel hungry when you do this and will be less likely to seek out craving foods.
  • Find ways to distract yourself from the cravings: Go for a walk, call a friend, wash the dishes or do any chore. You will later realize it was only a craving and you weren’t really hungry after all.

Just remember that if you do find yourself overindulging in what you crave, don’t beat yourself up about it! It is not the end of the world, the end of your diet or the end of anything! It was just a tiny speed-bump. So get over it and move on. Every day is a new day. Next time you feel a craving, remind yourself how you felt when you gave into your cravings the last time and it will make it that much easier overcoming it. It will get easier over time and plus your body will get used to not eating these things and will crave healthier foods!

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