No Gym Required


Lift Weights Because…


Read more about this in the Smart Girls Do Dumbbells book.

Lifting weights can be done at a gym or at home. I’d recommend the Bowflex Adjustable Dumbbells as a good starter set of weights.
This set is awesome because its an adjustable set instead of having a huge set of many many dumbbells you just add on weight to the one set you have. It is compact and even comes with a stand. You can do bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, flys, bench presses… you name it, and you can do it with dumbbells. The cool thing about dumbbells is they take up very little space yet they get the job done. If you’re not into adjustable weights, this Dumbbell SetRead more

Eat Clean Tortilla Chicken Soup

This recipe is the perfect companion to any diet. It is a giant pot of protein and filling vegetables. The best part of this dish: it is made in the slow cooker.

photo (4)


5 Chicken Breasts, boneless and skinless 
2 Jars of Salsa
1 Packet Reduced-Sodium Taco Seasoning (or 2 TBSP)
1 Onion
2 Peppers (Red, yellow, or green)
1 Bag Sliced Mushrooms
Juice from 1 Lime
1 Can (6oz) of Green Chillies
Chicken Broth (optional)


Line your slow cooker with a Slow Cooker Liner to make clean up a breeze
Put the chicken in the slow cooker and squeeze the lime over the chicken
Add the packet of taco seasoning
Chop the onions, peppers, and mushrooms, throw on top of chicken
Empty the chillies and salsa on top
Cook on low for 6 hours
Remove Chicken and shred, return to slow cooker


Add the chicken broth to thin the soup.
Top with whatever you please or what your diet allows. [...]

17 is the Magic Number

Many of our readers are fans of the 17 Day Diet, or they’re considering it, or just curious about it. The 17 Day Diet is a healthy life changing diet… actually I don’t even like to call it a diet because it’s pretty much a lifestyle change. It helps you form good eating habits and they’re so easy to follow you’ll keep them for life – all the while you’ll lose weight and begin to feel like the woman you’ve wanted to be!

While on this diet you’re supposed to do at least 17 minutes of exercise a day. That’s right! 17 minutes! Not bad right… especially for those with a busy schedule. Anyone can fit in 17 minutes. My favorite way to fit it in is to set my alarm about 20 minutes before I normally get up and do it first thing in the morning and I’m done for [...]

Upper Body Blast

upper body

This is a the perfect cardio and strength workout when you are crunched for time. You can do it at home or in the gym all you need is a timer and weights. I use “Interval Timer” on the iphone. It is a free app that allows you to completely customize your fitness routine. You can set the length or your warm up, intervals, and cool down.


1. Do each exercise for one minute. You will rotate between strength and cardio moves.

2. Start each exercise in full effort. If you tire before the minute is up, modify until you build your cardio and strength. Example: if you tire while doing curls using your heaviest weight before the minute is up, move to a lighter weight and finish the minute. Same with push ups, start on your feet and more to your knees [...]

April Squat Challenge! Let’s do this!

squat challenge

I was having a little chat with my sister today and she mentioned she’s doing a squat challenge this month. So, what did I do? I said, “I’m in!”

Everyday all you have to do is look at the calendar and do the required amount of squats. You can break them up throughout the day if needed. I know I’m going to need to! Especially when we get in the 100′s-200′s! WOW! That’s a lot of squatting! But, its going to be worth it in the end!

If you don’t know how to do a correct squat, watch this video on YouTube on how to do a proper squat.
Benefits of squats:
1. Builds muscle! They tone the legs and lift the butt! Now, who wouldn’t want that?!!

2. Burns fat! The more muscle you gain, the more you body burns fat. It’s a fact!

3. Strength and [...]

Make your Goal a Reality

Six steps to get the ball rolling and keep it moving.
[caption id="attachment_555" align="alignnone" width="500"]Picture courtesy of Picture courtesy of[/caption]

1. DECIDE: You have to want it, really want it. Becoming fit and healthy doesn’t just happen because you want it. It happens because you want it so bad you are willing to invest in what it takes. You have to decide if weight loss/ toned arms/ running a marathon/ insert goal here is worth your life. Read more about setting goals if its just never been your thing in this book: The Magic Lamp: Goal Setting for People Who Hate Setting Goals.

2. SET: Set a goal, a realistic and measurable goal. Make your goal as specific as possible. Instead of “I want to look good in a bikini,” say “I want [...]

At-Home Circuit

Picture courtesy of Social Cafe Magazine
Picture courtesy of Social Cafe Magazine
I designed this circuit for when I am pressed for time. I prefer to workout in the morning and do so about five to six days a week. I normally head to the gym right out of bed but on the weekends, I just don’t have the time. The gym opens later and I have to be at work early. Therefore, I started this circuit to burn mega calories and tone up.

Do each exercise for one minute. Rest one minute after each circuit and repeat. Three circuits should take around 30 minutes. Using an interval timer will help you greatly. Get the Gymboss HOT PINK Interval Timer.

Push Ups
Bicycle Crunches
Jump Squats
X-Squats (plie squats and make an x with your [...]

Work Those Abs! Summers Coming Soon! At Home Ab Workout Routine.

I am a big fan of home workouts, and ones that you can get done in a short period of time, you sweat a lot, & don’t need any equipment – except a yoga mat is nice for floor exercises, I recommend the Gaiam Premium Yoga Mat . It is textured, non-slip and its free of the toxic phthalates that some of the cheaper mats will have. Good for you and for the planet. Yoga is a real good workout. Sometimes I am shocked at how sweaty I get in such a short time, but its great. Summer is going to be here before we know it. If you haven’t already, its time to start working out regularly and getting in shape for any bikini-wearing situation! ;) I know I am!
Read more

Fall Foods: Roasted Veggies Recipe + Fitness: Circuit Training

It’s fall…. even though where I live it doesn’t feel like it! I cannot complain though because its absolutely perfect weather, especially in the evenings. I love taking walks at night when its warm out! And I am not looking forward to freezing my butt off soon…. but it is what it is.

Cooler weather allows us to cook up some warm, yummy stuff! We can use the oven and not have to worry about heating up the whole house – in fact we like that part of it! Or you can use a handy Toaster Oven! Which will save on energy. One of my cooking obsessions this past week has been roasting vegetables!!! WOW! Are they tasty, and so easy!

Here’s how you do it:

2 cups Vegetables, my favorite are: [...]

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