Muscle vs. Fat + Why you should throw away your scale!

fat VS muscle
Have you ever heard the saying “Muscle weighs more than fat”? Well, this is a total myth! A pound is a pound and one pound of muscles weighs the same as one pound of fat! The truth behind this rumor-turned-wrong is muscle takes up a lot less space than fat. So say you have 5 lbs of fat and 5 lbs of muscle: the muscle will be about 1/2 the size of the fat! There is much confusion about body weight, fat and muscle. I want to clear it up a little for you.

Many people ask me questions daily on our 17 Day Diet app about weight loss. I have had a few people shocked to see that their goal was to lose about 10 pounds, yet as they progressed through the diet with eating better and started an exercise plan [...]

Tank Top Arms

tank top arms

Summer is officially here. Well, almost. But, if you live in my neck of the woods, summer arrived two months ago. I had to break out the tank tops and shorts earlier then planned. This workout focuses on your triceps, biceps, and shoulders as those muscles are the most revealed in a tank.







A Dumbbell Set or a Resistance Exercise Band is required and the above are recommended.
Welcome to the Gun Show

15 pushups 
12 Shoulder [...]

Overnight Oats

If you haven’t tried overnight oats, you are missing a delicious and easy breakfast perfect for those hectic ”I have no time” mornings. Just grab from the fridge and take with you, no cooking required. Just don’t forget a spoon! Great breakfast treat for when you’re on the 17 Day Diet cycle 3.

1/2 cup vanilla almond milk, unsweetened 
1/2 vanilla protein powder
1/2 cup old fashion oats
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1/2 cup nonfat greek yogurt
Stevia to taste

Whisk milk and protein powder in a small bowl until all clumps are removed. Add remaining ingredients until well mixed. Place in the fridge overnight. Add Topping. Enjoy.
These nesting bowls would be great to make this recipe in, they are perfect for portion control. Prepare the recipe above in them and top with some plastic wrap. Place in the fridge [...]

40 Fresh Fruit “Spa” Water Recipes

cucumber mint water

Summer is here and unlike sodas, water is a true and healthy thirst-quencher.
Say goodbye to soda, juice, and bottled flavored waters and hello to freshly made fruit water – otherwise known as “spa water”. It’s super easy to make your own. Wash fruits or herbs, slice them up and add to your filtered water. If you use fresh herbs add a sprig of your choice of herbs to the Reusable Cold Tumbler, or Glass Mug or an Ice and Fruit Pitcherif you want to make a large amount; press and twist with muddler or handle of wooden spoon to bruise leaves and release [...]

Post-Workout Fuel

pro bb
During exercise, our muscles and carbohydrate stores break down. The muscle tissue rips and prepares itself to be rebuilt. However, without the proper nutrition, your body can’t rebuild and will never reach its full potential.
What do I eat post workout?
After a workout, you want to fuel your body with carbohydrates and protein, which are essential to the rebuilding process. Fat is not necessary and it may even derail your progress as it slows digestion. If you calculate your needs, you will need .8 grams of carbs per kilogram and .4 grams of protein per kilogram. Keep in mind that it is also best to consume your post workout meal ASAP for the biggest benefits. Check out these ten quick meals to fuel your body after training.
Ten Quick Post Workout Mini Meals

Protein Creamcicle: Blend 1 scoop Vanilla protein powderRead more

Greek Yogurt Cakes

With the temperature heating up and living through days that reach 104, I needed a nightly treat to cool me down. These Greek yogurt cakes are the perfect sweet, crunchy, and cool that I was looking for. Plus they are only 120 calories.

1 cupKashi GOLEAN Crunch Cereal(low fat granola will work too)
1/2 cup almond flour
1 egg
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup nonfat milk
3 teaspoons sugar free vanilla pudding mix
2 cups vanilla nonfat Greek yogurt (or any flavor you like)
1/2 cup fat free Cool Whip, thawed
Caramel Sauce  or chocolate chips (optional)


For the crust, place Kashi cereal, almond flour, egg, and olive oil in a food processor and pulse until well blended. 
Line a muffin tin with 12 cupcake liners.
Place a tablespoon of the crust mixture into the lined muffin tin and press flat.
Bake in a [...]

Fitness Challenge – June Shape Up – Arms + Core

Challenges are excellent at building strength, muscle and endurance. You will be surprised at how good you get at specific exercises and will be so proud of yourself – which in turn will build momentum for you to be better.
“If you continuously compete with others you will become BITTER. If you continuously compete with yourself you will become BETTER.”
This months fitness challenge is a mix of exercises, rather than focusing on one specific Muscle group. Last month we did the plank challenge - and I kept planks in this month because a few people loved them. I started out slightly simple for beginners – but if you’d like to up the time on some of these – go for it! Remember: It doesn’t matter if you start at the beginning of the month or not, just start! This calendar is used as a guide [...]


Yoga as been defined as “union with the divine” and is used in many religions as a way to connect with God and gain peace. In health communities, it has been known to promote flexibility and balance. Read on for eight reasons to start practicing yoga today. 
yoga is beneficial!

Flexibility: The most obvious benefit of yoga is increased flexibility. You may not be able to touch your toes during the first session but with consistent sessions the muscles begin to lengthen and you will be able to touch them in no time.
Relieves Pain: As the muscles begin to loosen, aches and pain will disappear. Tight hips affect the knees and tight hamstring muscles create lower back pain. Studies show that two 90 minute sessions of yoga a week reduce soreness by 56 percent. Read more in The Woman’s Book of Yoga and HealthRead more

12 Low-Impact Exercises

I’ve been asked by a few about low-impact exercises for anyone who has injuries or even for seniors who have a harder time starting an exercise routine at this time in their lives. Well, its never too late to start and I’d like to offer up a list of wonderful low-impact exercises for beginners. Remember: with any exercise routines you do, start off slow and only do the exercises you can do based on your body and if you have any injuries avoid doing anything that might harm you. Seek help from professionals when you can and get a trainer if you can afford it. And remember the most important thing is to have fun!
SONY DSC1. Walking: The number one used low-impact exercise. It requires basically no equipment except shoes, of course. You can walk in your neighborhood, [...]

A Lighter Side of Chicken Parmesan

chc parm
We are all familiar with the cheesy, yummy goodness that is chicken parmesan. As one of my favorite dishes, I set out to create a lighter, diet-friendly version of this Italian classic. 17 Day Diet Cycle 3 Compliant recipe.



3 slices whole wheat bread 
4 teaspoons Italian spice blend
1/2 teaspoon salt & pepper
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 egg whites
1/2 cup skim milk
1/2 cup flour
4 chicken breast
Olive oil spray
3 1/2 cups marinara sauce
3/4 cup shredded low fat mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup parmesan cheese

Pound chicken until 1/2 inch thick.

Place flour into the first shallow baking dish.

Whisk egg whites and milk together in the second shallow dish.

Place bread into toaster and toast until golden brown. Remove from toaster and place in a food processor with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and Italian spice blend. Pulse until crumbs are created and pour into the third shallow dish.

Line up ingredients on a counter and [...]

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