Healthy Snack Idea – Frozen Grapes

It’s getting warmer here! I can feel summer, and I love it! I live in a place where it gets warm, but not too hot usually, so we have no Air conditioner or cooler in our house – so when it does get super hot I have to think of clever ways to keep cool. I drink ice water with lemon, or other fruit added, a lot! I make smoothies all the time. And one of my newest snacks are frozen grapes! I went to a swim party last summer and it was the most popular finger food there! Everyone loved it. Thought I’d share them with you. They were super easy to prepare.

First, purchase some grapes at the market. Organic is best, especially when buying imported grapes – they are one of the Dirty Dozen. Trader Joes [...]

Fitness Challenge of the Month – Plank Challenge!

Last month we did a squat challenge – I know it was super tough! I was right there with you. I had a hard time and even had to take more rest days than it asked for – but that’s okay! You can still be a part of the challenge, even if you need to rest more than the calendar allows. I would not want you to hurt yourself doing our challenge. I want you to succeed!

Now, if this seems tough, don’t worry. You will become stronger and you will be able to do at least a minute plank by the end of the month if you stick with it and push yourself. You will be surprised at how strong you will get and it will amaze you. You can do this!
You could do them anywhere. On the grass or on your [...]

Mandarin Orange and Dark Chocolate Treat!

Oh wow! How tasty is this?! Mandarin oranges dipped in dark chocolate! Pure heaven!

For a single serving, you will need:

1 mandarin orange
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips or Semi Sweet Baking Squares

First melt some semi-sweet or dark chocolate chips in a Double Boiler. If you don’t have a double boiler, you could use the microwave or even just a regular pan – but try not to burn the chocolate! Take a Mandarin Orange, peel it, split it into sections. Dip the sections in the chocolate. Place on a plate or piece of wax paper to harden. Sprinkle with a little sea salt if you’d like – with or without sea salt they’re going to be delicious!
Try more healthy snack ideas with this cookbook, [...]

Eat Colorfully


Last night I went to farmers market and picked up these strawberries. They are so good! Strawberry season is just hitting us here in California, and I can’t get enough. I made a smoothie this morning with strawberries, kiwis, mandarins and spinach! I cannot stress enough the importance of eating colorfully! What I mean by this is you should choose a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables and add them to your daily diet. Here is a little explanation of colors and how they benefit us:

RED - Strawberries, tomatoes, red peppers and watermelon. These foods contain a phytochemical called Lycopene which helps eliminate free radicals in our bodies and fight some cancers!  

ORANGE - Oranges, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and mango. These foods contain beta-carotene which our bodies convert into Vitamin A. This  benefits our eyes, bone growth and health of the immune system. It [...]

17 is the Magic Number

Many of our readers are fans of the 17 Day Diet, or they’re considering it, or just curious about it. The 17 Day Diet is a healthy life changing diet… actually I don’t even like to call it a diet because it’s pretty much a lifestyle change. It helps you form good eating habits and they’re so easy to follow you’ll keep them for life – all the while you’ll lose weight and begin to feel like the woman you’ve wanted to be!

While on this diet you’re supposed to do at least 17 minutes of exercise a day. That’s right! 17 minutes! Not bad right… especially for those with a busy schedule. Anyone can fit in 17 minutes. My favorite way to fit it in is to set my alarm about 20 minutes before I normally get up and do it first thing in the morning and I’m done for [...]

Roasted Veggie Salad, under 400 calories!

Two of my favorite foods are roasted vegetables and hummus! This salad combines it all! First I roast the veggies then I add them to a bed of chopped romaine lettuce mixed with hummus and Voila! I have a healthy salad under 400 calories. This 400 calories even includes some high protein tofu from Trader Joe’s so you’re getting your protein as well. I love making this recipe in my Oster Digital Toaster Oven. It makes it so much easier, saves more energy in my home and doesn’t heat up my kitchen like it would in the regular oven. Try cooking more stuff in your toaster oven. Check out this cool cookbook The Gourmet Toaster Oven.
roasted veggie salad

Roasted [...]

April Squat Challenge! Let’s do this!

squat challenge

I was having a little chat with my sister today and she mentioned she’s doing a squat challenge this month. So, what did I do? I said, “I’m in!”

Everyday all you have to do is look at the calendar and do the required amount of squats. You can break them up throughout the day if needed. I know I’m going to need to! Especially when we get in the 100′s-200′s! WOW! That’s a lot of squatting! But, its going to be worth it in the end!

If you don’t know how to do a correct squat, watch this video on YouTube on how to do a proper squat.
Benefits of squats:
1. Builds muscle! They tone the legs and lift the butt! Now, who wouldn’t want that?!!

2. Burns fat! The more muscle you gain, the more you body burns fat. It’s a fact!

3. Strength and [...]

What can a Raw Food Cleanse do for you?

What Can A Raw Food Cleanse Do For YOU?

There are many other health benefits of a raw food cleanse, this is just a handful. A great book to check out is The Raw Cure: Healing Beyond Medicine. Helps open your world up to how food can effect your life and how eating a raw food diet can benefit you.

Doing a cleanse is easy. The hardest part will be letting go of some foods, but, trust me! It is worth it! You’ll be allowed all fruits, veggies, some nuts and some grains. You could get through a cleanse without any equipment, but some that will come in handy are:

knives for chopping – I highly recommend a good set of knives for going raw, it will change your whole outlook to food prep. [...]

17 Day Diet Complete – iPhone app update

The physician-approved 17 Day Diet was created by Dr. Mike Moreno providing visible results in 7 days and weight loss of up to 12 pounds in the first 17 days. It’s not a fad diet, but a balanced eating plan that adjusts every 17 days so that your metabolism won’t slow down and you won’t get bored. If you’re ready to be thinner and feel better, get 17 Day Diet Complete and start today! Here is a quick list of what the app has:

food & exercise lists
weight tracker & weight loss progress graph
17 day diet guidelines
it calculates up your daily serving needs and tells you if you’re under or over
daily water tracker
meal and workout trackers
NEW! Personal diet support chat – ask anything and you will be answered personally through the app!
NEW! The ability to make [...]

Work Those Abs! Summers Coming Soon! At Home Ab Workout Routine.

I am a big fan of home workouts, and ones that you can get done in a short period of time, you sweat a lot, & don’t need any equipment – except a yoga mat is nice for floor exercises, I recommend the Gaiam Premium Yoga Mat . It is textured, non-slip and its free of the toxic phthalates that some of the cheaper mats will have. Good for you and for the planet. Yoga is a real good workout. Sometimes I am shocked at how sweaty I get in such a short time, but its great. Summer is going to be here before we know it. If you haven’t already, its time to start working out regularly and getting in shape for any bikini-wearing situation! ;) I know I am!
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