Burn Baby Burn


**Calories based on a 150 pound women.

Another way to track how many calories you’ve burned or how high your heart rate has gotten during a workout, or how long you’ve worked out is by using a heart rate monitor watch. There are many varieties out there. Some way more expensive than others. With the cheaper ones you might not be able to trust the accuracy. Here are a couple options that I recommend. Click the image to find it in Amazon.

Polar Women’s Heart Rate Monitor Watch – currently about $102 on Amazon with free shipping!

Oregon Scientific Se331 Gaiam Zone Trainer [...]

Tis’ the Season for Cherries

cherries are YUM
As of late, cherries have been catching my eye more and more in the grocery store. I finally bought some on my last trip and realized I must have forgotten how wonderful this sweet, tart little fruit can be. But apart from its wonderful flavor, cherries are beneficial to your overall health. You can eat them fresh or Dried Cherries are super tasty as well!
Dried Cherries are so tasty!

Sleep Better
Cherries are one of the few natural sources of melatonin and could even replace a melatonin supplement. Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by your body and regulates your sleep cycles. The body produces melatonin only in the darkness and artificial light, tv, and computers stop the production. But melatonin helps you fall asleep faster [...]

Clean Eating Lemon Bars


Delicious 70 calorie Protein-Packed Lemon Bars 




Clean eating lemon bars – that taste just like the naughty lemon bars you love!!!


1 egg
2 egg whites
8 oz fat free cream cheese
1/2 cup instant nonfat dry milk
2 teaspoons lemon zest
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
3/4 cup low-fat vanilla protein powder
3/4 cup stevia
2 tablespoons unsweetened shredded coconut
1 tablespoon cornstarch


Preheat oven to 350 degrees
whisk egg and egg whites in a small bowl
combine cream cheese and all the remaining ingredients in a Ninja Professional Blender .
When mix is smooth, add eggs and blend.
With nonfat cooking spray, spray a 8 x 8 Pyrex Square Baking Dish.
Pour batter into pan and place in preheated oven
Bake for 30 minutes or until toothpick come out clean

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Chocolate Protein Popsicle

Follow this super simple and yummy recipe to cool down this summer and get the protein fix you need. Its a delicious snack for only 50 calories. 
pop (9)
Making your own popsicles is an easy and healthy option to store bought products with artificial ingredients, colors and sweeteners. Check out this awesome cookbook for making many different types of popsicles at home. All you’ll need usually is some Popsicle Molds and a freezer. You might also need a Ninja Blender, it’s the best – most powerful blender you’ll ever own! The best investment. I promise. Check out the book here for tasty & healthy Popsicle RecipesRead more

Paleo Diet

A paleo or paleolithic diet uses hunter-gather food principles. The foods you eat will mimic your ancestors. The diet is high protein & fiber, low carb, moderate fat intake, and lacking in processed foods. Plants and animals are the makeup of the diet. Below is the diet rundown.

Allowed Foods

Meats: grass-food meat, poultry, fish and seafood 
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Nuts and Seeds
Healthy Oils (olive, walnut, flaxseed, avocado, & Coconut Oil)

Foods to Avoid/ Eat in Moderation

Grains (oats, rice, barley, & wheat)
Legumes including peanuts
Refined Sugar
Processed Foods


Meat and protein are the staple of this diet. The high protein intake will help you feel full and repair your muscle after tough workouts. 
Fiber is essential for your health and plants have eight times more fiber than whole grains.
You will be eating unprocessed, fresh foods which are lower in sodium and higher in potassium. Low [...]

Pushup Challenge

Push-ups are hands down one of my favorite moves to incorporate into my workouts. Push-Ups don’t just work your chest and perk up yours boobs, they tone the whole body. A pushup primarily works the chest but it also tones and strengthens your triceps, shoulders, lower legs, and abs.
There is a beginner or a more advanced option to choose from in this challenge. In the beginner challenge, you will start at 3 pushups and work your way to 20 consecutive. The second option you will start at 8 Push-Ups and move up to 40. To improve your strength even further try do multiple sets two days a week. For example on Mondays and Fridays, do 2-3 sets of pushups. Remember, keep your body tight and move through the movements slowly.
Read more

Wednesday Weight Loss Progress Share

One thing that has always motivated me in my weight loss journey is looking at Before/After or Before/During Progress photos. They can be so motivating! I appreciate anyone who shares these images of themselves. It’s so encouraging to see others succeed! Am I right? And I am sure its rewarding for them to share their progress. They should be proud of their loss, even if you haven’t made it to your goal weight.
Progress is progress, no matter how small!
Us over here at Women’s Diet Network would love to share YOUR stories of success. We will include a little questionairre on how you did it and any tips or advice you have for others. Let’s motivate each other! Want to motivate and inspire others? Or be inspired and motivated? This little bit of encouragement can go a long way! I was a little hesitant to share because it’s hard to show [...]

Shake It Up


Cardio can be one of the most boring and tedious parts of a fitness routine if you make it that way. Follow these tips to trade in your boring routine for something that will keep you going and wondering where the time went.

Mix it Up
Four 60 minute sessions weekly on the elliptical aren’t going to inspire anyone to head to the gym. Try not repeating the same session in a week. It will keep things interesting and maybe you might start to look forward it.
Try a Class 
Participating in a class will keep you motivated through the entire workout. Try zumba, kickboxing, or cycle for some mega calorie burning. Or if you feel shy or uncomfortable taking a class, try watching workout videos at home like the Zumba® Weight Loss Program DVD. You’ll [...]

The “D” Word

diet defined
The word “Diet” as a verb is defined as: “Restricting oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight.” We understand this right? But what isn’t fully understood is what is the right “diet” to follow. Well, first of all, everyone is different and what works for one person might not work for someone else. Trying new diets can be overwhelming and then you might just end up giving up. The truly best diet out there is eating a healthy, well balanced diet of the following:

PLENTY of veggies – eat tons of green, red, orange, yellow, purple and white veggies. Variety is key!
Lean proteins/meats – if you’re a vegetarian you should eat plenty of beans, tofu, tempeh or other veg protein options.
Fruit – Try a variety of fruits for the best health. There are so many [...]

Roasted Cauliflower Hummus – Bean Free and Tahini Free

When I hear the word “hummus” I automatically think of mashed garbanzo beans. Sure, this is the true way hummus was and is made, but, there are tons of other ways to make hummus. Don’t get me wrong, I love garbanzo beans and all beans for that matter, I just think its great to have options and to experiment a little in the kitchen. What if you’re on Paleo diet or the 17 Day Diet (cycle 1) and can’t have garbanzo bean hummus – but you really love hummus and feel a snack attack coming on!? Well, good news! There are many options for you to help with your craving. By the way, its so much healthier for you to make your own hummus, not to mention cheaper!! All you need is an oven & a Food Processor [...]

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